What are Collections? Collections are multiple pieces in one package, that are used to put together a life-sized puzzle. There will be nine canvases that can be put together on your wall, creating a 3 x 3 square. The canvases included will be 20in. x 20in. each, making the whole puzzle 60in. x 60in. (5ft. x 5ft.). There will also be a smaller option, with canvas sizes of 16in. x 16in. each, making the whole puzzle 48in. x 48in. (4ft. x 4ft.). You can always buy each piece individually from the Canvas Section, but it’ll be a better deal to purchase the whole Collection.

**This idea is a work in progress. If anyone has any feedback or suggestions about the canvas sizes, hover over the About Page and select Info & Customs. Scroll down and fill out the Suggestions Form.**
